Comparison of Subsonic & Supersonic Aircraft| Shock Waves| Designing Commercial Supersonic Aircraft!

Hello and Welcome we will complain subsonic and Supersonic aircraft look at what is meant by shock waves and understand how is Supersonic aircraft are designed first let's look at what is meant by a substance and Supersonic aircraft and aircraft may be defined as subsonic and Supersonic that comparing its speed with the speed of sound if the aircraft flies slower than the speed of sound then it is called subsonic If the aircraft flies faster than the speed of sound then it is called Supersonic aircraft to understand this better we need to do something called as the Mac number

so what is meant by Mach number a Mach number is defined as the ratio of speed of aircraft to the speed of sound for subsonic and craft the Mach number is less than one sensor fly slower than the speed of sound for Supersonic aircraft the Mach number is greater than one can fly faster than the speed of sound usually commercial aircraft can operate at point 62.8 Mach and Supersonic aircraft which are being planned to operate commercially will operate between 1.2 to 2 Mac now let's look at some of the features on or something and craft in a some are usually used for treating the required depending on the size and weight of aircraft in subsonic Aircraft a smooth camber that is used for the wing structure this is to provide sufficient camber so that another is generated when flying at low speed now let's look at some of the features of a Supersonic aircraft a Supersonic aircraft may have it open auto budget and only because the propellers are not efficient at Supersonic speed the Indian designs need to be modified to get up on the high speed of air entering the engine this is done by increasing the length of the diffuser section of the engine another design change needs to be done at the novel section of the engine here the converted divergent nozzle has to be designed so that this aircraft can be accelerated Supersonic speed

Supersonic aircraft is not efficient screen too much Dragon so what then it would need to be used on an sufficient to produce is directly proportional to the velocity at vijaynagram is flying at Supersonic aircraft fly at a very high speed this app was also symmetric and placed at a small angle of incidence in order to improve the 5th generation and increase the efficiency of the wings just like App for the fuselage on a Supersonic aircraft is also designed to be slimmer than subsonic and aircraft this is because when an aircraft fly at Supersonic speed shock waves are formed at the leading edge of the show will have a significant impact on the design of a Supersonic aircraft since it has severe effects on the air flowing across it let's see what are shock waves and the impact it has on an acre pocket friendly conversation that initially forms on the top of the wing when an aircraft enters the transonic range from Mac point 8 to 1.2 accelerated to Supersonic speed the shock wave is formed at the leading edge of the aircraft because of the shock wave that is found there is a severe increase in the temperature of the Year dance tip of the shock wave source from the materials are needed at the leading edge to withstand the high temperatures there is also a severe increase in the back because of the shock wave formation so the engines need to produce more thrust to overcome this track and hence more fuel is consumed there is also a decrease in the total pressure of the year because of the shockwave this will reduce the engine efficiency the shock waves will also result in a sonic boom on the ground which would be very love and can even cause damage

The Differences Between HAL TEJAS and JF-17 Thunder

 10 + Surprising Facts About The F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet

Supersonic aircraft design a commercial Supersonic aircraft was built using composite materials that can withstand high temperature and CPU temperature variations the wings and diffuse largely would be 10 or to reduce the effects of Dragon due to the shop information the engines review section and the notification have to be redesigned to reduce the losses and improve the fuel efficiency at Supersonic speeds the egg craft must also be easy to maneuver at low speed at high speeds this can be achieved by the flower Technology with you onboard computer and sensors the ACA should also be capable of flying efficiently at subsonic speed when operating near an important and load attitudes to prevent Sonic booms commercial Supersonic aircraft are required because table reduce the browser time from a to b by 50% so that home I will you don't shock waves and Supersonic aircraft

Is a Turbofan Engine or Turboprop Engine Safer? | Pilot Explains

Hello and Welcome the turbo fan and the turboprop are thetwo main engines that power commercial aircraft and they have a lot in commonbut I'm going to explain the differences coming up hey 74 Crew what's going onif you don't know about aviation so whether you're a pilot or an aviation enthusiast considersubscribing if you haven't watched the earlier blog that I did explain you howthe core of a jet engine works  this blog won't make too much sensebreaking down the comparison between a turboprop and a turbofan is simple nowthat you understand how the core of a jet engine is working to recap what Iexplained in that earlier blog in this stage of the core engine yet air isgetting sucked and compressed in this stage the compressed air is beingintroduced to fuel and a spark to create an explosion which goes at the back ofthe jet engine the back of the jet engine turns these fans in the backwhich also in turn turns the fans on the front of the engine which compressedmore air and continue the cycle and again this engine by itself would becalled a turbo jet engine which is not how your commercial aircraft work firstI'm going to explain how a turboprop works and later it will make sense whythis is a jet stream 32 this is the first model of turbine aircraft that Iflew I was super excited 

because I was finally flying a multi-engine turbineaircraft I remember the first time I walked up to it I thought wow this is sobig that's what she said and now I could probably fit 10 of those in a 747 theengines of a turboprop worked based on the exact same core principles of what Iexplained earlier on how a jet engine works here is the inlet of where the airis going into the engine on a jet stream and this is the exhaust section wherethe air is actually leaving the engine so the first two stages of this enginework exactly like a turbojet engine which I explained earlier thedifference is when the air is actually going out the back of the engineit doesn't use air to propel itself forward what it does is it turns theseadditional fans in the back these fans are on a separate shaft thatdrive the propeller on the front of the plane that you're seeing so instead ofair propelling you forward that air is driving these fans which is driving thepropeller which is pulling the aircraft forward if you remember the Sully videothat I did a few months ago where I talked about eating a bird just as wewere coming in to land that bird was able to make it through that propellerand into that tiny little Inlet to this day I have no idea how that bird wasable to miss the propeller and get into that small little hole while it wasflying talk about a rotten day now a turbofan is generally what you're seeingon most commercial aircraft if you've flown on a Boeing or if you've flown onan Airbus you've flown on a turbofan aircraft this is a diagram of theturbofan that you see on most commercial aircraft side-by-side this section ofthe diagram is actually this section of the engine that you see and this sectionof the diagram is actually this section of the engine this large fan that yousee on the front of the engine is working exactly like a propeller on aturboprop and this section of the engine is working exactly like a turbojet soit's getting the best of both worlds as the air is leaving the back of a turbineengine it is driving the fans that compress more air it is also drivingthis fan on the front just like a turboprop and it is propelling the planeforward so as that explosion goes out the back is pushing the plane forwardand driving two different sets of fan blades to suck in more air and use thatfront fan as a propeller 

that air from the propeller on the front is goingoutside the core of the engine and it's making a much more fuel-efficient engineespecially at lower altitudes this type of engine is called a turbofan engine ora high-bypass turbofan engine the term high-bypassis definitely a turn you're going to want to know if you're a pilotespecially if you're going from a piston to a turbine engine because that issomething that they may ask you in the interview this is a picture of the 747 -eight general electric engines it's something that I love these engines Ithink they look so cool they're also very very fuel-efficient the other nicething is that because they are so large it allows me to take a picture of it andshow you the different parts and how they work in real life in this photohere you're seeing looking back from the back of the engine forward that fan thatyou see at the very far end of the picture is actually the fan that you seewhen you're looking at the front of the aircraft the air that's going from thatfan is actually going on the outside of the core of the engine which is righthere and that air that's going outside the core of that engine is actuallyworking exactly like a propeller which I talked about earlier and the air that'sgoing out of the core from right here is using the thrust that's being createdfrom the explosion to push the aircraft forward so you're having two differentways that the aircraft is actually being propelled forward 

I'm learning so much this is exactly what I need I remember from back in my days when I was flying turboprop aircraft that people were nervous people often associated propellers with lack of reliability in the comments section below I want you to let me know now that you understand how similar a turboprop is to a turbofan are you gonna feel more comfortable flying on a turboprop aircraft I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up 

DELTA NEWS - AIRLINE SAVED | Aviation News Weekly

Hello and Welcome It’s been a quiet start to the week with no real distinctive developments coming to light in the Aviation Industry so with that being all said I thought now it would be the perfect time for another instalment into. We begin proceedings with Qatar Airways and the carrier receiving a lifeline from their government in the form of a bailout. The Qatari government gave the airline a US2 billion to help it face the crisis head-on. Coming just a month after the Dubai government gave Emirates their own bailout which was also worth US 2 billion. An amount that the two governments deemed useful for the survival of the airlines moving forward. For Qatar Airways their financial situation has not been the most incredible of late and they join Etihad in the same region who as we know have also been struggling and going through a major restructuring plan. 

Qatar Airways if you also recall was one of the only carriers during the global pandemic that continued to operate and continued to fly people home during the trying times. Their efforts were highly appreciated by many as other airlines pulled the plug on certain services. Meanwhile over at Jetblue work has steadily progressed with their London routes that are tentatively going to be starting up next year and the aircraft that’ll be helping power these routes. Their first A321LR was revealed to the public towards the end of September with a streamers tail design that the airline best describes. The tail features as you can see a ribbon in a number of different blues, my personal favourite colour. JetBlue has said that these colours help represent the ocean and in addition jet stream which are fundamental players for these transatlantic services. At the moment the airline is eyeing up the launch of JFK and Boston Logan directly through to London by late 2021 at the best, it was originally aimed at being earlier but things have obviously changed with the global pandemic coming into play so while they aim for late 2021 there’s always the chance this could end up in 2022 instead. While this is the first A321LR for the airline they also have the A321XLR on order, a variant that was revealed last year at the Paris Airshow and garnered a lot of attention and excitement within the Aviation Industry. Will you be hoping to get onboard one of the Jetblue Airbus A321LRs on a transatlantic service when they start flying? Let me know down below! Delta has had quite the expansive fleet for some time now with countless aircraft types and hundreds within their fleet. 

However, one thing is for sure and that be the need for the airline to streamline. Since the outbreak of the global pandemicDelta have been actively looking at getting specific types that are ageing and no longer fuel efficient out of their operations in favour of welcoming more efficient jets in the future and also allow the fuel-efficient jets to thrive. Delta has therefore at the end of September as well decided that it would be retiring its Boeing 717-200 aircraft and also the remainder of its 767-300ers by December of 2025. So In 5 years, these aircraft will be gone. On top of these Delta has already said that it would be retiring the MD-88s and MD-90s so really it has felt like the retirement just hasn’t stopped. These changes though to the Delta fleets are necessarily moving forward to save money wherever possible and to ensure that they are efficient as well with their operations and can preserve cash wherever it is possible. The last thing they want to be doing is wasting away precious cash on now sadly aircraft that are no longer fuel efficient if they can help it. The global pandemic has given them that excuse if you will. KLM is another airline now which is currently going through a major restructuring and they have submitted their plan in recent weeks to the northlands ministry of finance. KLM would like in the region of around 3.4euros in loans and so on to help fulfil their operations, pay their staff and ultimately survive within the Aviation Industry. The KLM Chief Executive said The plan we submitted to the ministry of finance today is a condition for obtaining a financial package, making this an important milestone in our recovery. Adding The aim is to ensure that KLM survives this crisis and emerges stronger than before. At this moment even with help from the government, KLM will see 4500 positions disappear in a restructure that’ll see the group reassess fundamental areas of the business like that of finances and strategy. 

They’ll also aim to implement cost-cutting initiatives that will help them move forward as an airline and also more widely as a group. When focusing on their aircraft KLM will also actively work to implement a more efficient fleet moving forward, this has already been boosted by the immediate retirement of the queen of the skies. They’ll also plan on phasing out leased aircraft moving forward. Boeing has announced an adjusted outlook for the overall demand within the aviation industry due to the global pandemic. Boeing projected themselves that over the next decade 18,350 aeroplanes will be delivered and 13,570 of those will be narrowbodies. However, in the second half of the forecast which stretches for the next 20 years, there will be some 43,110 deliveries and that includes32,270 narrowbody. It’s quite clear to see the major jump here. Boeing has said that the industry will still remain the same in a sense of the very long term and trends will return, however, it'll take time and it’ll be important to be patient but for carriers to stick true to their business models. History has shown that previous global crisis obviously not to this extent resulted in a sudden surge shortly after which the BoeingManaging director expects. Focusing now on the Australian aviation scene and Rex, a regional airline within the country that is known for operating the Saab 340Bs. 

Soon though they will be adding 6 Boeing 737aircraft with the first being delivered on the 1st of November, so in a little under a month. Rex wants to use these initial 6 to understand if there is a demand for the type within the airline and if was to all go according to plan they’d look to increase their domestic fleet with more Boeing 737s with the goal to eventually reach a total of 10 Boeing 737s. The thing is Rex has not been an airline that been said not present within the Australian Aviation sector, in fact, they’ve been around for quite a long period time but forever the main players have been the likes of Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia and now the defunct Tigerair, with Tigerair gone and Virgin Australiasignificantly reducing their operations, internationally and domestically Rex see this is a prime opportunity despite the global pandemic ongoing to test the waters. In my opinion, it’s an exciting move from the regional carrier and will most definitely heat up the Australian sector which has long suffered from excruciatingly high prices but also very little options when it comes to travelling. 

Indigo stock analysis

Hello and Welcome Until a few years ago whenever we spoke about airlines, for us those who belonged to the middle-income group taking a flight used to be a dream. But in the last few years, the airline industry has grown so big that flights have become a part of our lives. If we have to go a little far we prefer airlines. Today we are going to talk about Indigo. IndiGo, in the Indian airline industry, is a profitable company. 

And which cleared a lot of myths related to the Indian airline industry, and became a profitable company. To the extent that whenever Warren Buffet has spoken about the airline industry, he has said that it is very dangerous to invest in this industry. But IndiGo is such a company that is not only profitable but also in the Indian airline industry it has more than 45% of market share. Why does this happen in the airline industry that even though the company gets launched but does not succeed? If I take a look at the history of the Indian airline industry, There are so many companies that came and even expanded but due to debt and other reasons had to close down their operations. In this video, I will tell you about IndiGo's business model, and I will tell you about how a small company enters an industry where most businesses do not succeed, with one aircraft in 2006 and by 2019 they have 217 aircraft. Apart from this, I will teach you how to do a fundamental analysis of a company in the airline industry. In addition, I will compare IndiGo with its competitors. At the end of the Blog, I will tell you what is happening in this company and what it has to offer its investors. Whether you should invest, sell? or hold? After the 1990s, a new concept came into being in the US airline industry which disrupted the entire airline industry. And that concept was LCC. Low-Cost Carrier companies.

Those airline companies were not present in India till then. India then had three or four airlines operating. This gap was identified by Rakesh Gangwal and Rahul Bhatia. They thought why not bring LCC to India? and bring the airline industry to the common people. So that the growth of the airline industry is bigger and the margins are better too. To talk about its founders, first of all, Rahul Bhatia who understood the regulatory norms of the Indian airline industry, and Rakesh Gangwal who understood the airline industry very well because he used to work for US airlines. This is why he designed such an airline in India which ran at low cost and also gave good margins. In 2004, when this company wasn't even operational, that time this company placed an order for 100 planes with airbus, at a time when it didn't have even one flight in operation. Airbus benefitted from this because they were also planning to enter the Indian airspace. Now you must have understood that IndiGo's co-founders had good knowledge and experience. But how did they make their business model different from other businesses? So the first difference they made was that all their planes which operated in India were the same. If they were using A320, then all the planes were A320. At that time, its competitors were using different models of airplanes. This benefitted IndiGo. Because it didn't have to train their pilots differently. If a pilot could fly one plane, they could fly other planes too. Apart from this, they also saved maintenance costs. If all the aircraft are the same, then their maintenance cost will be the same, there is less training required. In every aspect, IndiGo benefitted from this. This helped IndiGo to become a very big company. 

The second point of difference was that whenever IndiGo gave a new order to Airbus it used to be bulk orders. When Airbus takes bulk orders, it would give discounts to IndiGo. And IndiGo would use this aircraft for only a short time so that the maintenance cost is less, and people would sense the feeling of a new aircraft when they traveled. As you can see from the screen how, when, and the numbers of IndiGo's orders As I told you, IndiGo orders in bulk. That is exactly what we get to see on the screen. For example, in June 2005, IndiGo ordered 100 Airbus aircraft when they had only just started their operations. Later, 180 in June 2011, and 250 in August 2015 Now I will do fundamental analysis. where I will tell you If ever you want to inspect a company see how it is performing in the airline's industry, Then how do you evaluate it? What factors and parameters should you consider? Whenever we do an analysis of an airline company the first and the most important point is Every company Every airline company includes in its annual report what their passenger load factor is. 

Now you must be thinking why I didn't explain it to you. In simple terms, if there is an aircraft that has 100 seats, and it flies from A to B if only 30 out of 100 seats are occupied, the occupancy then becomes 30%. 70% of the seats are empty The less it is, the more dangerous it is for the airlines. Because it will have the same expense to fly the plane. If the seats remain unoccupied the company will incur losses. To talk of IndiGo's load factor it is around 86%. As you can see from my screen, I have compared IndiGo's load factor with that of its competitor Spicejet. IndiGo's load factor in comparison to that of 2018 has gone down slightly, to 86%. To compare this with the load factor of SpiceJet, it is now 92%. Which is way better than Indigos. But to compare it with that of the previous year, the load factor of SpiceJet has come down a little in the last year. The second important parameter on the basis of which we can analyze a company in the airline industry is RASK. This tells us if an airline flies one kilometer, how much profit it makes on one seat. If I make a comparison on the basis of RASK on IndiGo with last year then this year IndiGo's RASK has come down a little. Last year IndiGo's RASK was 3.64 this year it is 3.57. So the revenue that IndiGo makes on every seat per kilometer has gone down. But if I compare this with its competitor SpiceJet then the RASK of SpiceJet is bigger this year as compared to last year Now you know what IndiGo's revenue per seat per kilometer is. But until we know how much expense there is against this revenue we will not be able to analyze the company very well. There is a parameter that calculates expense per seat per kilometer which is called CASK. In the case of IndiGo, CASK was 3.15 last year, per seat, per kilometer. 

This year it increased to 3.59 per kilometer. Now I have told you that cost per seat for IndiGo has increased. What factors affect these costs for a company in the airline industry? It is important to know that too. Whenever we talk about the Indian airline industry there are two main factors that impact the costs: First, crude oil. Because to run an airline business the main expense is in crude oil whenever the price of crude increases then the cost increases. Second: currency depreciation. Because all our oil is imported, so when Indian currency depreciates, the cost to import oil also increases. This leads to increased prices. There is an interesting point for you here. IndiGo's CASK is higher than its RASK. So IndiGo must be running on loss. But no, IndiGo has showcased profits this year. Because IndiGo has other means of income. If I talk about those revenues which IndiGo gets for example from extra luggage, ticket cancellation charges, ticket modification charges, and cargo business, in fact, IndiGo grew by 17.6% than last year. Now investors understood some of this. But before making an investment, it is important to know everything about an industry. Now you must be thinking which company has how much market share in the whole Indian airline industry, Come on, let's discuss that. 

As you can see on the screen, in the Indian airline industry, the highest market share is with IndiGo which is 47.1%. After IndiGo comes SpiceJet with 13.7%. India has a market share of 12.9% Friends, This list has some companies that are no longer operational. There is an interesting point that I would like to point out. If I talk about Low-Cost Airlines in the entire industry 76% of India's total market share is with Low-Cost Airlines. As IndiGo started now more and more companies have come up which operate on the same model. Until now I explained how to fundamentally analyze IndiGo. You can take more inputs, and research deeper. But it won't be fair if I don't give you the current news. Because in recent days, a piece of news related to IndiGo came in which an allegation was made on IndiGo in relation to corporate governance. This allegation was made by none other than one of its co-founders on the other. So, if you are an investor in Indigo or are thinking about investing, study this news carefully and use the information I gave you and then decide on your own whether you should buy this share sell it or hold it. Friends, we do not give any recommendation in any Blog to buy or sell any shares. All our videos are strictly for educational purposes. We try to explain in basic terms how to analyze a company before investing.

10+ Incredible Facts About The HAL TEJAS Fighter Jet

 Hello, and Welcome In one of the recent blog we looked at the HAL Tejas and compared it to the of-17 and tried to see some of the differences about this aircraft while finding some similarities between the two but today I'm just gonna dedicate this whole video to India's made HAL Tejas fighter and Discover a little bit more about the aircraft and find out what is unique about it. 

How's it going, everybody? We're a look at people cultures and places from all around the world now today pretty excited Because yeah, I like the hell tears I think it's really interesting that India has its own unique fighter that kind of makes it very special For the people who might be watching this video that are from India but more specifically I like to do stuff that a lot of you guys recommend so You know going into this spider seems to be something that I know you guys will really like With that, by the way, before I get into this video if you guys are into military playlists just to let you know Although we have a diverse amount of content here on MTV facts If you want to know more specifically about Indian military topics I got some playlists throughout this video that I'll put in the cards in the description box below that you guys can check out at Any time, but I'll talk a little bit more about that because I kind of want to get into the facts But I just want to let you guys know the kind of stuff that we do here in case you felt like hitting that subscribe Button at any time in this blog. So let's just jump right into it So we got the Hal Tejas it is classified as a single-seat single-engine Multi-role fighter and for the facts, you might be wondering why is it sometimes called the LC a well? 

There's a reason for that this is because this fighter was developed under what was known as the light combat aircraft program which was a development program Conducted by India for a long time and I'm going to get into that however as for the name to jazz it didn't get this name until about 2003 now one thing that is super important when it comes to the Hal Tejas is it is classified as a Supersonic fighter and not only that but it is the second Supersonic fighter that was developed by an Indian company and this company is known as the famous Hindustan aeronautics company also not only that it's also the smallest and a lightest supersonic aircraft of any of its type in the entire world And yes When I say small it is a rather small aircraft because for the size of this aircraft It comes in at a height of four point four zero meters with a length of thirteen point two zero meters and a width or wingspan of eight point two zero Which makes it just a little bit smaller than some other craft of its type now Let's take a look at why this aircraft was built in the first place pretty much back in the day India knew that it needed to develop a new fighter that would replace its ever aging mig-21 because by the 1980s they eventually knew that the mig-21s would be completely outdated despite the amount of upgrades that they would receive and in the 1980s this was realistically the beginning of the light combat aircraft program specifically actually in 1989 when the LCA program review committee was formed and for the development of its own unique aircraft by 1993 the first proof of concept for the spider was brought in as a matter of fact the first two proof-of-concept Aircrafts that were made were known as TD 1 and TD 2 and for TD 1 it had its first flight on January 4th 2001 in which shortly after prototypes emerged from that and the cost of this first real phase up program came to approximately 2188 crore. 

 10+ Amazing Facts About The F-35 Aircraft

So one thing when it came to the light combat aircraft Programme India tried to develop a lot of different things on their own instead of used technology from other countries One thing that was definitely heavily in production was India's very own fly-by-wire program which began development in 1992 also for what? We now know as the Hal Tejas it was originally intended to have an Indian made radar system and although that might have been developed there was, unfortunately, some Compatibility issues so they had to move on to something else with that Hindustan aeronautics company went with the Israeli radar known as the Alta systems using the specific radar system known as the LM 2032 however in 2008 that's actually changed especially In the mark 1a version because these new health ashes they use what is known as the LM 2052 version, however, It is still an Israeli-made radar but to jump back a little bit after several tests in 2005 the Indian air force put an order for 20 of these fighters Now this actually didn't really mean it was actually cleared for the air force A lot of testing happened after this, as a matter of fact, the first real maiden flight of this first limited series production known as LSP one took place in Hansa Goa on April 25th, 2007 in which the aircraft reached a speed of Mach 1.1. And it was shortly after that that the Indian Navy had intended to purchase 50 of these aircraft however the first prototype known as n p1 was given to them in July of 2010 and it was actually about a year after that the IAF the Indian Air Force pretty much kind of approved the design of this fighter This is because on January 10th of 2011 It was approved for initial operation clearance by the air force shortly after that the naval version made its first flight on April 27, 2012, Unfortunately, the naval version wasn't accepted I'm going to get into that because I'm going to talk a little bit about variants a little bit further on Because it was around this time. 

That although the Indian Air Force had given initial operation clearance This didn't mean it had final operation clearance And that's what you really want as a fighter as a matter of fact the major campaign for final operation clearance began in 2013 but I found it very interesting. And yes also unfortunate that because of several setbacks Final operation clearance wasn't given - the hell - yes until recently, as a matter of fact, February 20th, 2019 Insane that's a lot of years man I mean that fighter is just going through the wringer and the part that I found really fascinating about this is although it wasn't given final operation clearance until recent the IAF had all a lot of interest in this fighter as a matter of fact in 2015 they purchased 120 of them and as a matter of fact in 2011, they had their first squadron formed This was known as the Flying Daggers or number 45 squad Which operated out of the yellow Hakka air base in Bangalore? I should also update you guys and let you know that this squadron has now moved to the seller air force station in Coin Betar, as a matter of fact as of February 1st 2019 this squadron has 14 of these aircrafts but by the end of the year its planned to have another two of the Initially cleared fighters and they also plan to add Sixteen of the finally cleared aircraft to join by the end of the year also It's a rather new aircraft to the rest of the world because it was internationally debuted in 2016 and this was at the Bahrain International Air Show so now let's just take a quick peek at versions and some of the specifications now in my previous Blog I did talk about that So I'm gonna kind of go through this one really quick because for some of you guys have already seen this kind of information I don't want to be repeating a lot of facts So first of all, you have your initial version on top of that there's a trainer version which is a two seater You've also got the Navy versions which I did state in 2016 it unfortunately failed to meet the requirements in weight basically, they found that this aircraft was too heavy for the aircraft carriers and in 2017 they're gonna get a new test to see if they will work the more recent version the mk1 a is unfortunately more expensive However, it has new radar and a bunch of other upgrades the mk2 has been recently displayed in 2019 it is slightly bigger with a larger payload and has a more powerful engine and speaking about engine let's take a look at speed the fastest that this thing has clocked comes in at mach 1.8 with a range of 850 kilometers and a combat radius of 500 kilometers and with that when we look at the engines one interesting fact Is that the original aircrafts use the american-made general electric f404? Engine. However, remember how I said the LCA was aiming to make, you know, Indian-made products for these planes Well one thing that came out of that was also an engine Unfortunately, it wasn't the best. 

This was known as the Kaveri engine and unfortunately It didn't meet the requirements but on a side note which some of you guys you know Your plant enthusiasts might find this very interesting The actual engine itself couldn't be tested in India and actually had to go to Russia The reason for this is because India unfortunately didn't have the facilities built in to test its high altitude abilities and apparently with that Russia used the Tu-16 aircraft to conduct this test and of course when it comes to specifications We got to talk about weapons now currently this aircraft can use nine different types of weapons Basically, you have the 23 millimeter gun in the front and of course you have eight hard points which are located under the wings And the fuselage and can either be bombs missiles or whatever you feel as for the entire program cost Including its research phase one and phase two It came in at seven thousand nine hundred and sixty five point five six crore and for an individual fighter Let's look at the mark 1 and the mark 1a basically the mark 1 comes in at 162 crore which is approximately 23 million dollars And of course I'm talking us but here let's take a look at the mark 1a it really jumps in price because the mark 1a jumps way up to 463 crore or approximately 64 million US dollars Which basically that's about the cost of a Saab Gripen, but either way guysI want to thank you guys for tuning in and learning about the HAL Tejas I hope you guys like this Blog And again, if you really like this one, you want more, you know military content Be sure to hit that like button because hey, that's how I know you guys are interested. Of course, I want to know what is your thoughts on this aircraft? 

I also want to know what is your favorite aircraft, and I also want to know just for fun What aircraft can this aircraft beat? Let me know your thoughts down there Oh, yeah, by the way, I also forgot to mention that as a matter of fact when it comes to the health issues one interesting thing over 70% of this aircraft is made in India Forgot that fact, it's pretty cool you but thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys in the next one and don't forget to check out our other videos Up there down there and at the end of this Blog cool. 

10+ Amazing Facts About The F-35 Aircraft

Hello and Welcome Today we're gonna talk about the f-35 probably one of the greatest fighters to have ever existed in the history of mankind One that some people are going it costs way too much money, but is it worth the price tag? Let's find out How's it going? Everybody? Welcome to FTD facts. My name is Dave Walpole and today Yes, we're talking about the f-35 the fighter that has it all now before I get into this Blog I just won't let you guys know that here on FTD facts 

Well, not just new aircraft I could talk about old aircraft but more or less contemporary ones. So hit that subscribe button Now let's find out more about the f-35. So the f-35 obviously is a very controversial plane Like I said, a lot of people are like you, it's a really expensive aircraft, but it's got stealth That is just amazing truth be told it's stealth is not as good as the b-2 bomber or the f-22 I'm sorry to say this but it's just like a dumbed-down version of those planes as stealth capabilities But it's still amazing as a matter of fact some people already say that the stealth abilities of the f-35 have already been countered by countries like Russia and China Most likely that has happened. It's not been confirmed But even Israel was like yeah in a couple of years this stealth technology is gonna be pretty much useless But however, nothing of that has been confirmed So let's get into some of the actual facts about this aircraft the f-35 was developed by Lockheed Martin and I like to think of it as the little brother to the f-22 the first flight for this aircraft was on December 15th 2005, but for development of this aircraft It's begun as far back as 1992 and so far the program cost of this entire fighter is around 1.5 trillion dollars Sort of don't read I mean you got to read the fine print on why it costs 1.5 trillion dollars because it hasn't really cost that much basically your research development and testing and evaluation came in at 55 point 1 billion dollars and the Procurement of at least 400 of these aircrafts currently, I think they only have about 380 of them out there in the real world however The cost for this came in at 309 Tina point five billion dollars and military construction came to about 4.5 billion So probably a lot of you guys are wondering. Where are that one thousand one hundred and twenty-three billion dollars of that 1.5 trillion? 

Well, that is kind of maintenance for the next a bunch of years I think they say that's like how much it's gonna cost until the Year 2070 that's of course if they plan to have these planes till 2070 like I said if the stealth is already kind of going out they might not now the f-35 is a single-seat kickin But fifth-generation fighter and contrary to what most people believe the f-35 has seen quite a bit of combat Although a lot of this is really recent on May 22nd, 2018 It was said that the first time it was used in combat was by the Israeli air forces in the Middle East Now this was confirmed by the Israeli air chief, However, he didn't state realistically when this happened. So there's no actual evidence to back it up However, we know that the US has used it as far back as September 27th, 2018 And of course, there are other times the u.s. Used it in the Middle East in 2019, and so far its entire fleet has over 90,000 flight hours. So it has been used So one of the biggest controversies is yeah a lot of people say, oh my god, it cost so much on the taxpayers Yes, it did But for all you US citizens out there just to let you guys know it wasn't just on you other Countries from around the world also had to pay the research and development cost for this aircraft So rule number one.

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Love your neighbors Especially Canada because we definitely helped you guys out with lowering the amount that was going to your taxpayers Basically countries like Canada in the UK and a bunch of others are a part of the f-35 program pretty much This means that these countries had to pay research and development costs because they intended to buy this aircraft Canada right now is actually having a hard time figuring out whether or not it wants to buy the f-35 However, we still have to pay those costs that were part of the initial agreement I mean like we could totally say no, but you know like it's not wise to You know because we're all part of NATO now the one thing about the f-35 is it has a really cool To do VTOL or they call its VTOL basically what it is It's an engine kind of similar to the Harrier jet but this one can actually bend its engine downward and hover It's really cool technology. That is just for the f-35 The one thing is that a lot of people think that there is just one variant out there that is for the f-35 You know, it can hover and it can go straight That's not necessarily the case the f-35 B is capable of actually doing VTOL and going straight But not all versions can do this, For example, the f-35 a I mean it has the ability to just do conventional takeoff The thing with the f-35b is although we can do this. I mean it sacrifices. Uh, it's basically its fuel capacity for armaments and all that sort of jazz For example the f-35 a has an internal 25 millimeter Autocannon where the others need an external one added on top of it at least that's from my understanding Now the f-35 C is also one that has conventional aircraft takeoff But the thing is it's got foldable wings because it's meant for aircraft carriers now the planes so far has three global factories in which it has 1500 suppliers these factories are in Fort Worth Texas can marry Italy and Nagoya Japan And the one thing that's really nice about the f-35 over the f-22 is because the f-35 has a more dumbed-down stealth ability It's a little more friendly for exports and sales now I'm also no expert on these fighters But one thing that is really crazy with the f-35 is it has an insane computer system that is so advanced f-16s are being loaded with a Similar program that is being put into the f-35 However, one of the coolest things of the f-35 is the helmet it has a major upgraded heads-up display Ability inside of it also on top of that the f-35 has six external cameras that are attached to this headset So you basically could just like look around and see everything. 

It's pretty much like you'd be flying in an invisible plane It's pretty much see-through now in today's world. Like I said, there are over 380 of these aircraft made These are operated out of 17 airbases worldwide currently there are about 700 90 pilots that have been trained in this aircraft with about 7,200 people maintaining them on top of that. There are 13 countries that are currently interested or have these aircraft already Unfortunately Turkey is part of that 13, but recently it's well Let's just be perfectly honest the United States because turkeys been buying Russian air defense systems They're like no, we're not sure we're gonna actually sell these aircraft to you. 

Either way guys That is pretty much your basic rundown of the f-35. It's an amazing aircraft. I'm just curious What are your thoughts on the f-35 do you think it's an amazing aircraft? Let me know down there in the comments section below and before you guys get out of here Don't forget to check out our playlist of other great amazing aircraft from around the world I think you guys will really really enjoy it. I got some good episodes coming up soon, too So that means you gotta hit the subscribe button But you guys have yourself a fantastic one, and I'll see you in the news Blog.

10 + Surprising Facts About The F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet

 Hello and Welcome Here on FTD facts, I've been doing a lot of blog around airplanes jets and amazing military Aircraft and nothing is quite as cool and amazing as the awesome Groundbreaking f-22 Raptor a fighter that changed many things about aircraft and how planes are gonna be built in the future One plane that was way ahead of its game But before we get into the amazing facts about the f-22, I should probably introduce myself. Hey, all you lovely people out there How is it going? Hope you're all having a fantastic amazing day My name is Dave Walpole and welcome to FTD facts a channel where I look at well in this particular type of video Military content. 

We also look at countries' cultures and other things like that. So that's kind of your jam You want to hit that subscribe button now a little bit of self-promotion just lets, you know every Thursday I'm always looking at a new plane or an issue revolving around a plane that you might know about for example the next video I'm gonna be looking at the issues with the f-35 and Canada there's quite a lot of controversy around that so that's gonna be coming up next so check out the playlist if you're interested in that sort of thing, so right off the bat, the F-22 is considered a fifth-generation Twin-engine all-weather stealth fighter. Now. What's cool about this fighter is it is one of the times that Lockheed and Boeing? really teamed up to create a revolutionary fighter the f-22 Raptor came from what was known as the advanced fighter program and this began as far back as 1981 I did not know that the f-22 started way back Then this program was aimed to replace the old aging f-15 fighters and be a possible replacement for the rather new F-16 as well. There were new fighters that were on the block such as the sun-27 flanker and the mig-29 Which this program eventually was made to beat those fighters as this program evolved. 

They released what was known as the Lockheed If-22 which had its first flight on September 29 1990 Scientists joined together and competed against this fighter with their particular fighter known as the if-23 Which ironically looks a little bit like an f-35, but the f-35 did not come from that fighter I don't know it just kind of looks different but the thing for the f-22 as it got certified it began production in 1996 Originally America was going to buy 750 of these at the time but as time went on this big deal went less and less and less and less and less because by 2008 because of budget reasons and a few other reasons as well Congress lowered the amount that they could spend on this fighter and only purchased approximately 187 of them however It was shortly before that at the first combat squadron off-22s began conversion in 2005 with that being said one of the first real squadrons of F-22s was the 43rd fighter squadron. 

Now, these guys have been around as far as 1917 as a matter of fact squadron 43 has been commissioned and decommissioned several times in history, for example, they were operated between the years of 1917 to 1919 and then were taken down until 1922 until about nineteen thirty-six and then operated yet again in 1942 1946 and then again in 1964 to 1994 and on a side note during that last time they were the first squadron to do the conversions for the F-15 as well however by 2002 they were brought back into service to provide training for the F-22 which operated out of the Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Now, here's the thing. Yes, The f-22 is no longer in production The question is although it is a good fighter of why Isn't it with only a hundred and ninety-five of these ever being made in total? There were a couple of reasons such as they were extremely expensive on top of that There was also the introduction of the cheaper stealth fighter known as the f-35 and even the United States really questioned How valuable the f-22? Was going to be used after the collapse of the Soviet Union and on top of that one thing that really hurt the plane Was the fact that there is an extreme ban on exporting the technology and this plane as a whole to other countries as a matter of fact because the f-35 is Considered a cheaper more dumbed-down version of its stealth abilities That is why the f-35 is allowed to be exported to other countries however That being said the United States doesn't just give out f-35s countries have to have very strict requirements And because of all of these reasons the last f-22 to ever be made was actually in 2012 but although there was a major ban on this particular plane that didn't mean other countries were not interested in it. For example, Australia was very interested in purchasing this fighter Even Japan was heavily considering going into a secure partnership with America to acquire it But the thing was in order to obtain this fighter It would have to increase its military budget to over 1% of the GDP Which is something that has never happened in Japan's history post the Second World War Okay, so let's take a look at some of the more unique facts about the f-22 so for combat, this fighter was first used in Syria in 2014 this was for operation inherit resolved during that operation They say they dropped approximately 270 bombs. However, the f-22 was also used quite heavily for reconnaissance however, that wasn't theoretically the first time the f-22 was in kind of combat because the first time It went in combat. 

Theoretically was up against a bunch of f4 phantoms a very interesting story apparently Iranian forces and fighter pilots attempted to come close to a Predator drone with the f-22 only scaring them off the story is that the f-22 managed to sneak up behind the Iranian f4 phantoms and Managed to come so close that not only the pilot could see what missiles the f4 phantoms were carrying But the f-22 pilot managed to pull up on one of the f-4s wings which made them realize they were dealing with some extreme Technology and therefore backed off and this happened back in 2013 also one of the reasons why Japan was heavily interested in this fighter for long time is Because they were first operated in an international setting out of the Kadena Air Force Base in Japan This was with the 27th squadron and they actually flew over from Hawaii To Japan and on their first flight one of the fighters had to be returned to Hawaii because of severe software problems however This plane did manage to make it back safely to Hawaii get repairs and go forward to Japan and in 2007 This made it the first international deployment of f-22 Raptors and besides that it's also been deployed to Germany Estonia and Poland for training exercises It was also seen in Afghanistan and even Iran in which we already heard from that f4 phantom story But they say in the Middle East the f-22 flew over 200 sorties So here's kind of the downside with the f-22 Raptor being such an advanced amazing piece of technology we get a little thrown off when we hear that the f-22 Actually had some serious problems to begin with keep in mind these were also fixed later on but for example One of the biggest issues with the f-22 Raptor was back in 2013 Where there were many cases of pilots blacking out due to severe breathing problems basically They had hypoxia like symptoms and meaning that they weren't getting enough oxygen to the brain because of this pilots experienced memory loss Emotional liability and a few other things such as a lingering Respiratory problem. This is things like cough and things like that But realistically even though pilots weren't blacked out because they weren't getting enough oxygen This really doesn't help pilots cuz they make bad decisions when they're up in the air lack of oxygen makes bad decisions And with that in 2005, They discovered that the breathing regulator was defective and on top of that the oxygen Generating system reduced the amount of oxygen that was given to the pilots at high G maneuvers Fortunately though the United States military jumped on this as soon as possible and they have since fixed those issues With that because of this oxygen issue. I should also mention that there was one major hull loss Overall, there have only been about four major haul losses of this aircraft, and of that unfortunately two of the four pilots Did not make it now. Let's get away from the dark side. So let's look at some of the specs now 

The good thing is this plane is not over a large one Which is really good for not appearing on the radar and I'm going to get into that stealth aspect in a little bit but let's look at some of the specs first for example its size comes in at a length of Eighteen point nine two meters by a width of thirteen point five-six and a height of five-point zero eight meters Inside this aircraft because it is a twin-engine aircraft. It uses two x Pratt & Whitney f119 pw100 engines and it is Fast now as a matter of fact speed is a very controversial thing when it comes to this plane Speed overall with planes is a rather controversial thing because there's a lot of things to be taken into effect These factors are drag altitude air temperature and things like that that make the f-22 Debated in its speed limit. However, during testing the f-22 showed that it could go up to speeds of Mach 2.25, and in Supercruise meaning it was completely loaded up it got over Mach 1.8. Now the downside is there's been really no official limit of how much this aircraft can carry Although I've read that each wing is capable of carrying up to two thousand two hundred and seventy kilograms Which is roughly around five thousand pounds for its weapons, though It does have one gun in the front and that is a 20-millimeter cannon with about 480 rounds But however for this aircraft, it only has four hardpoints now, of course, They can carry things like bombs and error to air air-to-surface missiles all that jazz and you might be thinking to yourself Yeah, well, there's only four. I mean the f16 can hold a lot more believe it or not It still gets the job done and also cost. This has been a very debated issue as well. However, in 2019 they estimated that the cost per hour for one of these aircraft, while it is flying, comes in at $35,000 again That's per hour but overall one of these babies at least in the year 2000 cost about 150 million dollars with the entire production and development cost coming in at sixty-seven point three billion u.s. Dollars as of 2010 in which I hope the taxpayers are extremely happy with paying that and Last but not least. 

This is probably the greatest factor of the f-22 is the stealth now, here it is I am no expert and anybody out there in the public world is not an expert either This is because the technology around the f-22 is extremely classified heck We know that the f-22 is banned in other countries because it's stealth technology is so advanced But what we do know about the stealth technology is that it has what is known as active electronically scanned array radar which makes the f-22 largely Undetectable on radar screens as well with its unique shape It helps radar bounce off of it, which means that if it shows up on radar It's very very small as the size of a bumblebee. So that's it That's me looking at the great amazing aircraft known as the f-22 Raptor. I absolutely love this aircraft I think it's kind of unfortunate that it's no longer in production. There are talks about a sixth-generation F-22 coming out, but I don't know what's going on with that lot of specs a lot of theories But that is for the future which we cannot predict. Anyways, guys My name is Dave Walpole And I hope you guys enjoyed this video and that being said be sure to check out the playlist up in the cards down in the description box below and At the end of this video because in the next episode, I'm gonna be talking about Canada and its f-35 issue It's really quite a big one and of course just hit that subscribe button if you're new and you want to learn about more cool aircraft because I love talking about aircraft and military gear But that being said feel free to leave a comment and hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and you want more aircraft Blog, but you guys have yourself a fantastic day and I'll see you in the next one.