The Differences Between The BOEING 737 and the AIRBUS A320

Hello, and Welcome Boeing and airbus have been a competition since the beginning of Airbus's introduction of the airbus 300 series in the early to mid-70s However, for the two companies they have - extremely popular pieces of aircraft which are not only favored by air companies But also by its fliers, these are the famous Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320 these planes are so popular that you yourself have probably flown in one at some point in your life And today we look at the differences between the two. How's it going, everybody? What's up? What's crack-a-lacking' Dave Walpole here and welcome to FTD facts a channel where I look at people cultures places and all that lovely jasm Today we're looking at the two biggest planes, I guess in the entire world. 

I mean like literally there are so many 737s. There are so many A320s out there. It's insane now before I get in this video Just letting you guys know we've done some cool little playlists for topics that you guys might like so feel free to check those out in the cards as they come throughout this blog  New here hit that subscribe button If this is the kind of thing you want to learn more about and if you also like this blog Just give it a small comment up because I know to do more stuff around these topics, but let's dive right into it guys let's look at the differences between the Airbus a320 and of course the Boeing 737 now for a little bit of history to find out the differences between the two for the 737 the designs for this aircraft began in 1964 however by 1965 before the first wheel flight Which was in 1967 Boeing gave the assurance of this aircrafts delivery Resulting in the interest from many different companies around the world such as the Lufthansa who were the first to purchase this aircraft spending 67 million dollars on 21 aircraft and as a matter of fact the German company Lufthansa was the first non-american company to launch a Boeing aircraft when they received the aircraft On February 10th 1968 Ironically though when it came to this time as sales were really really really really low I could say really a million times they were extremely low for these 737 and they were like oh is this plane gonna sell but however in today's world they are so popular that they are the highest selling commercial aircraft in Human history now. 

Remember I said commercial I'm not talking military or any of that jazz the Airbus a320 However, is the major competitor for the Boeing 737 when this thing came out Boeing was like oh god We got to figure out a way to beat this thing Basically, it was aimed to be a replacement for the back 111 British aircraft and of course was aimed to beat the 737 200 series and with the company airbus being a joint effort from many different countries around the world The company created what was known as the joint European? transport known as the je t program which is basically the program that got redesignate 'add to the 737 a lot of Technology came from the GE t program the renamed however from jet to a320 began in 1977 and unfortunately due to some share issues within the company the program really didn't launch until March 2nd 1984 during this time Air France was the first company to purchase and intended to buy 25 of these aircrafts as well there were many other European countries that had interest as they had 90 orders right off the bat shortly after that the A320 had its first flight on February 22nd 1987 as a matter of fact, I found it pretty interesting that a few days prior to this The plane was revealed to the entire public and actually Princess Diana was there during the inaugural launch And it was about a year later that the plane first flew commercially on April 18 1988 with Air France Okay, so we got some of the history out of the way, let's look at some of the variants now I can't get into specific details About what is different because there are so many different versions and this  in human history So we're just gonna look at some of the basic stuff and we're gonna go from there Firstly four variants the Boeing 737 has a huge family as does the Airbus a320 the original 737 series there was the 100 and 200 versions after that there was a much larger extended class known as the 300 400 and 500 classes which most identify this as the B737 classic series however Anything after that built in the 600 to 900 series were classified as the B737 next generation Version the more recent ones which unfortunately have come under some scrutiny is the max which is the fourth generation These are the max 7s 8's 9s And of course the 10:1 major side note that I actually do want to mention with the next generation class these ones were heavily influenced by the a320 as a competitor and as a matter of fact The next-generation series is the most popular series with about six thousand nine hundred ninety six of them made as of 2019 for the Airbus a320 there is the family of the original a320s, but there's also the a320 one which is the more extended larger version of this class following that there was a shortened class known as the a319 and there was one that was even smaller than that and that is the A318 is really tiny most of these however have sub versions that are specifically known as the Ennio Which was a major upgrade for the planes being branded as the new engine option within the neo class There was also major cabin upgrades and many other upgrades 

such as new winglets Now one of the major differences between a Boeing 737 and an a320 is fly-by-wire now Boeing 737s Do not really use Fly-by-wire fly by wire is a type of control where manual flight controls are replaced by electronic ones Now what I mean is they don't really use it Well, they do have some aspects within some of the aircrafts that do have a fly-by-wire option For example the spoilers within a 737 max are controlled all by fly-by-wire another thing we also just got a look at is how many of these things have been made for the B737 they have built approximately ten thousand four hundred and seventy eight as of 2019 The Airbus however is a little bit less coming in at eight thousand six hundred and seventy four as of 2019. However, unfortunately, This is not gonna stay this way for a long time Airbus as of at least 2002 has pretty much been beating Boeing in sales while Boeing 737 in sales and they estimate by 2025 ish there will be more a320s out there than there will be Boeing. 737 Another difference that we got a look at is air incidents for the Boeing 737. They've had a total of 467 incidents with approximately 211 hull losses as for the Airbus they have a lot less with 42 hull losses within 147 incidents this of course is out of all the aircraft that have ever been made for the a320 and the Boeing 737 Now also keep in mind one big difference is the Boeing 737 has been used a lot more for military Operations or military use the Airbus company does have an a320 known as the a19 maritime patrol version But for Boeing, they have the BBJ which is classified as a 737 and it's used a lot for military personnel Transport and other things like that. So right now I'm going to get into some specifications like I said I can't get into too many because there are so many different versions that you can't really compare the specifications of every single one however when it comes to the largest of these aircraft the 737 has the new 737 max basically, it's planned to have a length of 144 feet having up to 198 passengers in dual-class and 232 in single class the largest Airbus, however, is the a320 one coming in at? 146 feet having 206 seats in the dual-class and 240 in a single class maximum seats and as for some cool individual facts about these aircraft individually for the 737 believe it or not, Its tires are exposed to the air the 737 does not feature gear doors, simply because it made the aircraft too heavy It also doesn't have a way to dump its fuel. I actually didn't know that that was not a possibility on 737s. I think I've seen it in movies before but it's not actually accurate and if we're to include all the flight distance of every Single 737 they have gone 119 billion miles which is pretty much 640 trips to the earth and the Sun it's insane as a matter of fact while you are watching this video right now Believe it or not. There are probably at least a thousand Boeing 737s flying right now in the air Interesting to know. Okay. 

So here's the fact blew my mind away when it comes to the Boeing according to the Boeing factsheet Did you know that a? 737 lends every two seconds somewhere in the world. Absolutely Amazing. And as for the factory for the Boeing 737s many people think that it is actually housed in the largest Factory in the world This is known as the Everett factory And yes, it does have the Guinness Book of World Records for being the largest Factory on earth The thing is the 737s aren't produced there They are actually produced at the Renton factory instead located in Washington Not only are the 737s made here But when they are finished they do their flight's next door at the Renton Municipal Airport Now for some interesting things about the a320 s did, you know, and I didn't know that planes didn't do this But their cockpit is fully glass where other companies use synthetics didn't know that on top of that It was also the first commercial plane to ever use side sticks for controls instead of what is known as a yoke in Which the yoke you see very common in 737s as for where these things are made. Well, they're not really made in one facility they're kind of made everywhere most of the a320 s however are built in Hamburg in the ficken loader Airport this particular factory also makes the other crafts such as the a319 and the A320 one-China also has its own final assembly factory for a320s as well There is also one in America in Mobile, Alabama However, here's the one thing that blew me away when it comes to all these factories for the a320 They make approximately 55 a320s every single month that in turn turns out to be 1.8 of these planes made daily with the Airbus company hoping to achieve 2 a day. So there you go, guys, That is me looking at these 737 and the a320 differences again There are also prices I could look at but again that depends on different versions So I didn't really want to give you that one. Either way.  Hope you guys like this if you like learning about cool airplanes and stuff like that Yeah, if we seem to do a lot of airplanes on here, I don't know why if air flight stuff is your thing well, then you Want to hit the subscribe button because that's kind of what we do on top of that I also talked about countries cultures and different things around the world We have a diverse amount of different content that you guys will like and enjoy  Thanks for tuning in a hit that subscribes button. Don't forget to leave a suggestion down there and I'll see you in the next one Okay.
