How does Auto Pilot function in an Aircraft? | Modes of Operation | Auto Flight System

Hello and welcome we will be looking at what is autopilot and how it controls and aircraft what is an autopilot the autopilot is a system that is used to control any graph with little or no input from the pilot When the autopilot is increased it is responsible for keeping their graphs table on all three axes it may also be responsible for dieting day aircraft open point autopilot reduces a pilot workload which is extremely helpful in long-distance flight and also in flying aircraft safety especially in the weather so if there is any disturbance in rule autopilot is responsible to bring back to original attitude them over a particular flight plan with the assistance of the control surfaces after the autopilot is turned on the pilot are responsible for monitoring the operation of the autopilot

What is autopilot and how it works?

in Ottapalam is coupled with the climate control directly Autopilot is mainly responsible in India ka table if there are any disturbances autopilot services required to bring back to its attitude in big day craft the autopilot will be coupled with flight control computer the navigation beautiful and even with auto the autopilot is responsible table on all the three Axes in case of any disturbances during flight it will detect a disturbance based on changes in attitude what the height of the aircraft the autopilot will take corrective action and bring back to its original like profile but sending information to different type control computer the autopilot is responsible for guiding the particular route this pre planned route of life plan would have been inserted by the balance in the autopilot computer autopilot information from the navigation computer to determine the position and to adjust the direction for altitude at which the aircraft is required to fly this is done by sending information to different like control computers to move different flight control surfaces so the balance only to monitor the functioning of the autopilot the autopilot also be coupled with autotrust function function is used to it just that Indians phone increasing or decreasing the aircraft speed this is extremely helpful for performing an auto land with help of an instrument landing system for Ireland the autopilot will control the aircraft to get your local icer and that lies looking and the hotel will adjust the speed to maintain the correct improve speed 

How does Auto Pilot function in an Aircraft? | Modes of Operation | Auto Flight System |

Modes of operation of the autopilot?

Autopilot can be operated in two modes manual mode and automatic mode in manual mode pilot to continuously provide inputs that the heading on the speed at which a craft needs to fly this input will be sent to the Ottapalam and order the computer which will control the accordingly the balance will receive this instruction from the etc during flight these inputs will be used for short duration only for most of the flight time the automatic mode is used in automatic mode the flight plan with boss insert into the autopilot computer I used as reference the flight plan will have information such that the headache and the speed at which sea a graph fly this information are taken by the autopilot and the onto the system and used to kindly grant know the balance just have to monitor the operation of the autopilot and take action if any false so

What's another word for autopilot?

how to monitor the autopilot operation after the autopilot is increased it will inform the balance on how the aircraft is being blown through the flight mode annunciator on the FM mein the atom is located on the top of the primary flight display or TFT and is something that the pilot should monitor throughout the entire duration of the flight along with the information on the PFD and the navigation.

Well, pilots needed in the future?

recently made a flight with the aircraft took off on its own this ongoing project which is known as a tt open which transfer autonomous taxi takeoff and landing which means the developing airplanes which can take of land and also even taxi on the ground on their own without any pilot inputs that obviously brings up the question that what is the palace to incorporate them and in the future will find it even be required in the corporate and today in army advance that question for all of you

About the future because to talk about what is happening right now in today's date what level of automation do we have on most commercial airplanes about the big commercial onesand not the small ones upon once they do not have a defined as they have very basic order pirates the modern commercial big one that you guys are usually fly on when you are going on a flight those airplanes are all very automatic even right now they all have something on autopilot which is nothing more than a computer which operates the aircraft in accordance to the Pilots inputs are the Pilots inputs are not physically inputs to the controls that will tell the autopilot to do something I want my aircraft to let se climb to operating altitude so I have a pilot will tell the autopilot by the rotating at idle for punching in a few numbers that you need to plan the altitude of the autopilot will automatically create of which of and client that altitude and only that altitude their level of and maintain that particular site that is a very basic function of an order pilot order by descend and also maintain a portal heading a particular they can also maintain rules the Loft Acropolis can do right now as well however as of date no airplane has an autopilot used in take it off Taking off an aeroplane always Number The Pilot is flying aircraft manually he have the controls in his hands and he is doing the rotation and everything and aircraft is totally in the pilots  hand And however there are Aircraft which can land automatically most of the big commercial airplanes all can land automatically airplanes are multiple autopilot could have to worry 13 autopilot and the odd couple together and they work together and make the aircraft follow the Except for the required to run on the Runway The Pilot is just sitting there and monitoring everything the finest of is less offline the airplane and it's more of monitoring systems these systems can make a graph land absolutely safely on the Runway and exactly on the Runway Centre line without any input from the Pilots to usually on a flight your after takeoff they will rotate the act of manually Airborne and after particular site which is different for each aircraft in engage the autopilot unless someone was the time and then you can do that as well but mostly after takeoff which is engaged to autopilot and let the operator to stop when you just sit there and monitor the system can show you can guess that the role of a pilot is in the future and even now more of a manager in the cockpit.

rather than actual flying back in the days when airplane for just introduced the pilot was there to fly the airplane they would have to controls in the hands and you just actually fly the aircraft has automation has improved pilot survey now reduced or shifted to a managerial role in the cockpit another job is to manage everything manager situations and manage the cockpit and let the automation and your device to the job of life now this is very nice there is nothing wrong with that I know it sounds negative that it never the same path but honestly it is is very good I'll tell you the reason why you're doing a flight from India to the US it's a very long flight 14 16 hour flight you can't expect the pilot to set and flying Aircraft for 16 hours and so you can imagine that would be very very tiring also in case something goes wrong in the cockpit then you have to manage a lot of things there are a lot of systems that can go on a lot situations can develop and to manage two situations if you have a autopilot which is helping you out and explain the aircraft which we see your mind free to concentrate and resolve the problem and concentrate on fly in the aircraft safety is increased automation is reducing pilot fatic and its improving safety standards and that  brings me to the Future what is can happen in the future as per the programme by Airbus ATTOL program they have initially as of now on the  the Airbus a350 tested automatic take off in the coming time  they will be also testing automatic taxi as well as automatic learning picture of be there have to the automatic takeoff thing they put up image sensors in front of the aircraft basically gift craft its own eyes and aircraft can recognise the centre line and then automatically maintain it so line up a graph with Ranway Centre line and earth crust and engage the autopilot  the autopilot will strengthen the centre line at maintaining the language centre line When you reach the rotation speed if the speed at which is bigger na take off and we begin our rotation of the ground reaching that Speed The autopilot Automatic leading the aircraft nose up and get the aircraft airborne eventually sometime down the line and bustle also be testing automatic taxi with the Pilots will just have to tell the aircraft the taxi on this fact that accident on that if I'm not that page and automatically to it all of this does it mean Pilots will not be required absolutely not all of these automation which are being introduced they are being done for two reasons like I said to reduce pilot fatig and measuring the main reason is to improve  flight safety more the automation you have more safe for operations become because we are humans are always prone to errors there are chances of human error happening computer properly program and with proper inputs will produce an excellent results as a result 20 Automations are helping of the Pilots to improve the operation of the aircraft.

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What is reverse thrust in aircraft?| How does reverse thrust work?| What are the two types of thrust reverser?

Hello and welcome to text a revolution in this Blog we will be looking at which type of thrust reverser is fitted to the? what is meant by the trust was a system the types of thrust reversers? how did the services are deployed and the conditions that need to be satisfied for trust was a deployment?

What is reverse thrust in aircraft?

what is meant by a disaster was a system that is one of the systems that is installed on the engines normally on a graph the force that is acting in the forward direction is called as discussed force The thrust washer is used to create a backward force on the aircraft this is mainly used during landing on in case of a reject take off with the thrust reverser I used along with the brakes and spoilers in order to stop the aircraft on the runway if we consider but open engine thrust force is produced by pushing the air that is entering the engine backwards the trustable system creates a backward force by pushing the air that is entering the engine forward depending on the time of The thrust reverser system the bypass or both the bypass and the core may be pushed forward as soon as the aircraft lands on the Runway the cluster buses are deployed in order to increase the drag force that is active on the aircraft the trust versus I used along with the brakes and the ground spoilers in order to reduce the speed of the aircraft until it reaches a safe speed for taxing depending on the type of engine that different types of the services that I installed on the Jack and low bypass

What is reverse thrust in aircraft?|Do propeller planes have reverse thrust?|What are the two types of thrust reverser?

Which type of thrust reverser is fitted to the turbofan Engines?

turbofan Engines clamshell on target type of thrust reverser is used these services are also called as bucket type reverses they will reflect the air coming from the core and the bypass junction forward to create the backward force in high bypass turbofan engine block a dose for translating sleeve type cluster buses are installed in these services only the bypass is put forward and the air from the code section continues to be pushed back word in Turbo props reverse Thrust is created the adjusting the pitch of the propeller to change the air flow direction now let's see what are the requirements for the trust was a system for the trust was a system to operate trust liver input from the cockpit hydraulic system and signal from the landing your computer are required in the cockpit to deploy the customers the bus Lever has to be brought to a while and then put for the back in summer craft a separate Lever may be provided to set reverse thrust the reverse Thrust is selected as soon as the main landing you touch the ground during landing in case of a reject 1 of the reverse is immediately selected and the takeoff is aborted similar to forward just application that reverse thrust also be adjusted reverse thrust may be increased from rivers Hydel power to maximum reverse power by moving the levers for the back maximum rivers trust will be used initially to reduce the speed of the aircraft but they can be certain speed limitations that are mentioned and till which maximum reverse can be used this is to avoid for in 1 damage on the engines trust was a deployment is a help of hydraulic power the hydraulic system that is installed on the aircraft provides the required hydraulic pressure 

How does reverse thrust work?

for The thrust reverser actuator if the aircraft has more than one hydraulic system then each reversal would be provided with separate hydraulic power this is because in case of failure of one of the hydraulic systems only one traversal will be affected the trustable the deployment of the depends on the landing a computer this is because the landing your computer has to send a signal that the main landing gears 5 touch the ground this is because the thrust reverser should be used only when the aircraft is on the ground so if reverse Thrust is selected when the aircraft is implied the landing a computer will sense that the landing gear has not touch the ground and will not allow the customers to deploy what would happen if the customer was a locking mechanism fails in KG thrust reversers get unlock when the aircraft is on flight on ground and the crew did not selected then the engine control unit will immediately reduced interest on that engine to idle trust can The thrust reverser be used to reverse anagram this is also called as power back but normally the customer so cannot be used for reversing an aircraft this is because many precautions need to be taken and it will burn a lot of you since the engines and decide to produce forward and reverse Thrust is produced mainly to slow down the aircraft 

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How does a turboprop engine work?| What planes use turboprop engines?| What is the difference between a turboprop and a turbofan engine?

Hello and welcome in this Blog we will be looking at the basics of the turboprop engine first let's take a look at the different types of gas turbine engines which can be installed on a graph we can have low budget turbofan from and to turboprop engines in this Blog

How does a turboprop engine work?

we will look at the entrance as shown on this aircraft we will see how the process created the basic construction of the prevention and why they are used on smaller short-range aircraft first let's see the principle of Trust generation on the top of an engine and a top off India if we apply Newton's second law that does force is equal to the mass of air entering the acceleration now if we consider auto financial a small mass or quantity of air enters engine which is accelerated too much higher value inside the engine causing an increase in the thrust force If we consider turboprop aircraft we have a propeller which creates the thirst a large quantity of air for the mass of air is accelerated by a small and you which causes an increase in the thrust force so when Adobe open the trust can be increased by increasing the acceleration of a but in a turboprop, there is a limitation on the mass of air being accelerated so it produces.

How does a turboprop engine work?|  What planes use turboprop engines?|  What is the difference between a turboprop and a turbofan engine?

Why are turboprops still used? and What planes use turboprop engines?

the turboprop engine can be divided into two major sections then gen core which is similar to a gas turbine engine and the propeller which is connected to turbine driven shaft let's look at this sections in more detail the engine Core this consists of a compressor which is used to compress BA all to increase the pressure of the Year report and for competition then we have the combustor which consists of humours of igniters and combustion Chambers here fuels grade which mixes with the high pressure and get point inside the combustion chamber in the combustion chamber the pressure and the temperature of the gases increases the high pressure gases and then allowed to expand in the turbine section which causes the turbine to rotate this will cause the compressor to rotate these components are similar to gas turbine engine honour turboprop engine there is an additional term called as described above the gases expand further causing a decrease in the pressure and the rotation of the top and this turbine extracts on most of all the pressure energy from the incoming gases so very little trust is generated at the exhaust the stuff and rotates at a very high speed so it cannot be connected directly to the propeller at this will cause the place to stall so the turbine is connected to reduction gearbox this reduces the speed of the sharp so the propeller operates more efficiently now we will look at the propeller section the propeller consists of a series of air Ram feather power flight and reverse

What are the advantages of a turboprop?

force is created on this engine as the drive top and rotates text access to the energy from the high pressure gases so very little card is created at the exhaust the time and route is the propeller which creates most of the task force on the second round approximately 80% of the total cost is created by the propellers and 20% of the total Thrust is created by the exhaust gases simple comparison between having trouble propane and having trouble how to book Pro since most of it is created by propellers ditto properties are more efficient when operated at lower altitude where the density of air is more when compared to higher altitudes created by auto prop is lesser than did the fun and so the anchor 9 speed are slower across with the help of engine can take off and landowners Mona runway but the biggest advantage of Adobe Pro is that the fuel consumption is much less when operated on short routes this means less operating cost for the company so the turboprop aircraft can be found on smaller shot with actor as the most efficient for this kind of operations 

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Understanding Laminar and Turbulent Flow

Hello and Welcome This Blog from The Efficient Engineer is sponsored by Brilliant. One of the very first things you learn in fluid mechanics is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow. And for good reason.

What is turbulent flow?

these two flow regimes behave in very different ways and, as we’ll see in this blog, this has huge implications for fluid flow in the world around us Here we have an example of the laminar flow regime. It's characterized by smooth, even flow. The fluid is moving horizontally in layers, and there is a minimal amount of mixing between layers. As we increase the flow velocity we begin to see some bursts of random motion. This is the start of the transition between the laminar and turbulent regimes. If we continue increasing the velocity went up with the fully turbulent flow. Turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic movement and contains swirling regions called eddies. The chaotic motion and eddies result in significant mixing of the fluid. If we record the velocity at a single point in steady laminar flow, we'll get data that looks like this. There are no random velocity fluctuations, and so in general laminar flow is fairly easy to analyze. 

 Why is laminar and turbulent flow important?

For turbulent flow, we’ll get data that looks like this. This flow is much more complicated. We can think of the velocity as being made up of a time-averaged component, and a fluctuating component. The larger the fluctuating component, the more turbulent the flow. Because of its chaotic nature, the analysis of turbulent flow is very complex. Since the laminar and turbulent flow is so different and needs to be analyzed in different ways, we need to be able to predict which flow regime is likely to be produced by a particular set of flow condition We can do this using a parameter which was defined by Osborne Reynolds in 1883. Reynolds performed extensive testing to identify the parameters which affect the flow regime and came up with this non-dimensional parameter, which we call Reynolds number. It's used to predict if the flow will be laminar or turbulent. Rho is the fluid density, U is the velocity, L is a characteristic length dimension, and Mu is the fluid dynamic viscosity. The equation is sometimes written as a function of the kinematic viscosity instead, which is just the dynamic viscosity divided by the fluid density. The characteristic length L will depend on the type of flow we are analyzing. For flow past a cylinder, it will be the cylinder diameter.

At what Reynolds number is turbulent flow?

For flow past an airfoil, it will be the chord length. And for flow through a pipe, it will be the pipe diameter. Reynolds number is useful because it tells us the relative importance of the inertial forces and the viscous forces. Inertial forces are related to the momentum of the fluid, and so are essentially the forces that cause the fluid to move. Viscous forces are the frictional shear forces that develop between layers of the fluid due to its viscosity. If viscous forces dominate flow is more likely to be laminar because the frictional forces within the fluid will dampen out any initial turbulent disturbances and random motion. This is why the Reynolds number can be used to predict if the flow will be laminar or turbulent. If inertial forces dominate, flow is more likely to be turbulent. But if viscous forces dominate, it’s more likely to be laminar. And so smaller values of Reynolds number indicate that flow will be laminar. The Reynolds number at which the transition to the turbulent regime occurs will vary depending on the type of flow we are dealing with. These are the ranges usually quoted for flow through a pipe, for example. Under very controlled conditions in a lab, the onset of turbulence can be delayed until much larger Reynolds numbers. Most flows in the world around us are turbulent. The flow of smoke out of a chimney is usually turbulent. And so is the flow of air behind a car travelling at high speed. The flow of blood through vessels on the other hand is mostly laminar because the characteristic length and velocity are small. This is fortunate because if it were turbulent heart would have to work much harder to pump blood around the body. To understand why this is, let's look at how the flow regime affects flow through a circular pipe. The flow velocity right at the pipe wall is always zero. This is called the no-slip condition. For fully developed laminar flow, the velocity then increases to reach the maximum velocity at the center of the pipe. The velocity profile is parabolic. For turbulent flow, the profile is quite different. We still have the no-slip condition, but the average velocity profile is much flatter away from the wall.

Why is turbulent blood flow bad?

This is because turbulence introduces a lot of mixing between the different layers of flow, and this momentum transfer tends to homogenize the flow velocity across the pipe diameter. Note that I have shown the time-averaged velocity here. The instantaneous velocity profile will look something like this. In pipe flow, one thing we are particularly interested in is pressure drop. Across any length of pipe, there will be a drop in pressure due to the frictional shear forces acting within the fluid. The pressure drop in turbulent flow is much larger than in laminar flow, which explains why the heart would have to work harder if blood flow was mostly turbulent! We can calculate Delta-P along the pipe using the Darcy-Weisbach equation. It depends on the average flow velocity, the fluid density, and a friction factor f. For laminar flow, the friction factor can be calculated easily. It is just a function of the Reynolds number. If we combine these two equations we can see that the pressure drop is proportional to the flow velocity. But for turbulent flow calculating f is more complicated. It is defined by the Colebrook equation.

What is laminar flow used for?

appears on both sides of the equation, so it needs to be solved iteratively. Unlike laminar flow, for which the pressure drop is proportional to the flow velocity, it turns out that for turbulent flow it is proportional to the flow velocity squared. And it also depends on the roughness of the pipe surface. Epsilon is the height of the pipe surface roughness, and the term Epsilon/D is called the relative roughness. Surface roughness is important for turbulent flow because it introduces disturbances into the flow, which can be amplified and result in additional turbulence. For laminar flow, it doesn't have a significant effect because these disturbances are dampened out more easily by the viscous forces. Since the Colebrook equation is so difficult to use, engineers usually use its graphical representation, the Moody diagram, to lookup friction factors for different flow conditions. Where flow is laminar the friction factories only a function of Reynolds number, so we get a straight line on the Moody diagram. For turbulent flow, you select the curve corresponding to the relative roughness of your pipe, and you can look up the friction factor for the Reynolds number of interest. So we know that if the Reynolds number is large, inertial forces dominate, and the flow is turbulent. 

But even for turbulent flow viscous forces can be significant in the boundary layers that develop at solid walls. Because of the no-slip condition, shear stresses are large close to a wall. This means that in a turbulent boundary layer there remains a very thin area close to the wall where viscous forces dominate and flow is essentially laminar. We call this the laminar, or viscous, sublayer. Its thickness decreases as the Reynolds number increases. Above the laminar sublayer, there is the buffer layer, where both viscous and turbulent effects are significant. And above the buffer layer, turbulent effects are dominant. If the roughness of a surface is contained entirely within the thickness of the laminar sublayer, the surface is said to be hydraulically smooth, because the roughness has no effect on the turbulent flow above the sublayer. This is important in pipe flow because, as can be seen from the Moody diagram, flow in a smooth pipe has a lower friction factor and smaller pressure drop than flow in the rough pipe.

Understanding Approach of an AStabilizedircraft!

Hello and Welcome what is meant by the Stabilized approach of an aircraft before we look at what is meant by a stabilized approach let's look and why an established approach is required for the advantages of waste plastic Road if the approval is developed it in a safe landing on aircraft which is landing at the correct speed and attitude text approach the completion of the landing rule within the available Run will and all the available and in the stands with the established approach by the can avoid a loss of control of the aircraft during approach which is more critical if there is any Terrain surrounding the Runway and finally a smooth flat maneuver can be initiated by the Pilot approach is stabilized.

what is meant by a stabilized approach?

during different ways which come just before the flood and the landing room if the Agra satisfies a set of conditions that your project is called as a specialized approach a few of these conditions are approved speed heat of the 10th landing configuration and aircraft attitude and engine trusting let's look at this condition in more detail

the approach speed during the approach face the aircraft must be of you not faster than desired touch on speed depending on the aircraft manufacturer of this may be defined as we approach or f speed will be at least 1.3 times more than the stall speed of the aircraft for a given landing configuration the rate of different this is regarding the approach angle and the rate at which the aircraft is descending usually the approach angle would be three degrees and the rate of this and would be between 600 to 700 feet per minute the maximum rate of the send for established approach will never exceed 1054 minut in all cases landing configuration the act should be fully configured for landing which is with respect to the flaps and the landing gear in normal flying conditions for a stabilized approach the flaps to be extended family and the landing gear should also be extended it should also be ensured that they are not in their respective positions the aircraft attitude the egg craft must be stable on all the three Axes and only minor corrections may be allowed if required due to external factors during the approach base the potential energy of a graph get converted into kinetic energy so proper Energy Management is essential for the smooth and safe landing the eggrat attitude plays a major role in the total energy management for Ireland is used for your product should have captured and aligned with the localizer and glideslope signal of the Runway in which the aircraft has to land the wireless assist the aircraft in being supplied on the final Descent path

aircraft is descending the engine can be reduced but the engine should be stable and it was provided by the engine will be a little above I will be idle Indian forced applies to produce these conditions should be satisfied depending on whether the aircraft is grown under instrument conditions IMC or visual met conditions VMC there is an altitude limitation by which the aircraft should be stabilized and I am see the aircraft should be stabilized by thousand feet and under VMC the aircraft should be supplied by 500 feet IMC and VMC are defined based on visibility distance from my cloud and ceiling During these conditions are not satisfied it is always best to perform a go around and make a new attempt for landing aircraft they may be many reasons why the approach becomes hand on supplied approach let's take a look at a few of the reasons some of the reasons for an unfertilized approach for visibility adverse weather conditions through fatigue failure of my receiver on both the aircraft any ATC restrictions tureen t enough to go near the airport

Understanding Oxygen Systems in an Aircraft Oxygen Masks FIXED & PORTABLE Oxygen System HYPOXIA

Hello and Welcome to check this aviation in this blog we will be looking at what are the oxygen systems in an aircraft why these systems are required how the oxygen system functions and what is meant by hypoxia let's see wine oxygen system is required in aircraft after an aircraft 100 it plans to very high altitude for The Cruise base as it provides better fuel efficiency at this high altitude the outside and pressure will very love this means that there is less oxygen available in the outside a this is not sufficient for humans and will result in something called as hypoxia

normally the aircraft cabin is pressurized which ensures sufficient oxygen is available inside the aircraft for breathing The Cabin pressure would be the same as the depression you will feel outside the aircraft at approximately 8,000 feet this is done that the cabin altitude in case of failure of the pressurization system or because of a pressure leak from the cabin and craft staff to loses pressure which means the oxygen available inside they start to reduce now and oxygen system is essential in order to prevent loss of consciousness of the passengers and the group because of insufficient oxygen.

Before any commercial aircraft takes off a safety briefing is always made as part of the briefing instructions are given on how to use the oxygen masks normally this mark on be required because there is sufficient oxygen inside the cabin but during emergencies please oxygen mask and oxygen system become a life save now let's see what are the different oxygen systems available in an aircraft the most simple of all the different oxygen systems total oxygen cylinders that are available on phone no you ask are always with you in case of a medical emergency on body during flight only a few oxygen cylinders will be carried and will be sufficient only for a few people on board the aircraft so let's see what will happen in case of an emergency which impacts on the passengers on board such as freedom of the pressurization system in case of failure of the pressurization system on loss of cabin pressure oxygen mask will drop from the overhead storage boxes this is an independent system which uses a chemical oxygen generator to generate the required oxygen each bottle can supply oxygen 3 mark for 10 and 100 mark for men at least 10 minutes this clock season is chemical generated a burning smell become when is mass of photon mark will deploy automatically when the cabin altitude goes above a certain altitude that for example 13000 feet with sufficient oxygen is no longer available in the air they may also be manually deployed by a switch available in the cockpit during certain emergency manual deployment of the marks can also be done with the help of a special tool that will be available with the group members in the complete a separate oxygen system is available here and independent oxygen bottle is installed with will provide oxygen through individual fast to the coffee will have different settings which the Croma select depending on the requirement. 

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The Mask may be said to supply oxygen only when the group in his or it may be sent to supply positive oxygen flow at all times since this system is required during a few emergency the cockpit group should check the oxygen bottles pressure the four operating the flight in some severe cases of fire or smoke in the cockpit and the group has difficulty in breathing then a portable oxygen cylinder is also available this will include a mask that will supply oxygen and also cover the entire face so that visibility is not affected what would happen if the oxygen system is not installed to understand this we need to see what is meant by hypoxia hypoxia is a condition which occurs because of lack of oxygen in the human body hypoxia will result in loss of consciousness depending on anograph attitude there is something called as time of useful consciousness if your system is not respond after this time a person would become unconscious which would have severe consequences so in case of lack of oxygen inside anagram in flight within the time period of person should have put on and oxygen mask and help others with their marks required so that inform I will you want you oxygen system in Aircraft .

Understanding Aircraft's Communication System | ACARS | Voice & Data | Antennas on an Aircraft!

How the communication system sends and receives voice and other data? on a CA first let's take a look at what is meant by a communication system in an aircraft on an aircraft the communication system is responsible for the transmission and reception of information this information may be in the form of voice in the form of data from the aircraft the system should be able to manage communication outside a graph which is from a graph to the ground station aur with another Iqra in flight it should also manage communication with the diagram which is why are the Android phone for communicating with other group members to make announcements in the cabin now let's look at the parts that are required for audio communication in a diagram communication system is centrally managed by an audio control unit this unit is responsible for receiving information from different antenna microphones and sensors it is then responsible for processing this information and transmitting them to specific locations such as headsets or speakers in the cockpit or in the cabin in the cockpit the group can manage the audio control unit with help of an audio control panel that will have different switches and knobs to transmit or receive information.

The audio control unit information
from different sources such as the intercom that is used for internal communication it will also receive audio information from the communication for navigation radio from the ground stations it may also be linked to some critical systems in their grant in order to Trigger onboard alerts in case of failures after processing the received data the What data is sent to speaker or had them for the group members this unit will also send all the audio data the cockpit voice recorder continuously records all this information the audio control unit allows the flight to select and control the received audio from this panel that group mein select me or adjust channel for communicating with the ground station as required they can also select group intercom for communicating with other crew members what select the system to address the passengers the audio control panel also has switches that can be used to turn the system on or off auto adjust the volume in the headset for the speakers and for transmission of audio over the selected channel now let's look at how data communication takes place from the anchor in most modern and car is installed distance for a graph communication addressing and reporting system this is responsible for receiving and transmitting data from the aircraft

the acres prevents the digital data link for the aircraft this is used to send specific information to different stations on the ground the data that is sent is taken from different graph sensors or systems and is transmitted via HF or VHF depending on their graphs position the recording sense or refuse data from the ATC for particular airspace it could also send information to the airline operations control for efficient management of the airline fleet and personal for the smooth operation of all the aircraft the acres sales data such as the aircraft position the aircraft system status for any failures that occurred weather later information and diversion information if required

in the corporate that group can manage and monitor the data that is sent on the 1 hours with the help of the control and display unit or CDU the CDU is the only unit which provides an interface to the group for sending information or receiving data so the seed you provide access to information transmission information automatically or manually if required and also has a provision for sending text messages to the ground control for the communication system to send Odyssey voice data signals shuttle Antennas are installed on the aircraft  will have VHF communication 1 which is normally used for voice communication and we nature communication to which is kept on standby and used for monitoring purposes only the aircraft may have his communication three which is used along with header for data transmission for a cause the aircraft will also have a transponder for 80c and voice recorder for CVR installed at the tail so section pause that light communication that come may be installed on some aircraft